1.8. Payout Form


Payout-form is a type of transaction which results in funds transfer from Connecting Party banking account to customer (receiver) banking account or digital wallet. Payout-form transaction in most cases is used for bank account funding. Unlike Server-to-Server Payout integration, in which Connecting Party sends receiver account in initial request, Payout Form integration allows the receiver to submit the banking account credentials on the form hosted on ConnPay side.

See terms definitions in Glossary.

  1. Receiver fill out a payout form and sends data;

Payment Form
  1. Contextual data is gathered by ConnPay to process the transaction;

Wait Form
  1. Receiver’s browser gets redirected to the Connecting Party website to the resultant page.

Finish Form

Payout Form Flow

participant Receiver as R
participant "Connecting Party" as Cp
group optional
R -> Cp : Checkout
activate Cp
== Payout form request ==
Cp -> ConnPay: /api/v4/payout-form/
activate ConnPay
ConnPay --> Cp: Order ID\nredirect-url
deactivate ConnPay
Cp --> R : Redirect to Payout Form\nredirect-url
deactivate Cp
activate R
R -> ConnPay : GET redirect-url
deactivate R
activate ConnPay
ConnPay --> R : Payout Form
deactivate ConnPay
activate R
R -> ConnPay : Submit Form
deactivate R
activate ConnPay
ConnPay --> ConnPay : Process payout
== Final redirect of Receiver ==
ConnPay --> R : Connecting Party website redirect_url
activate R
R -> Cp : POST status,Order ID
deactivate R
activate Cp
group Get Final Status
== Receive Connecting Party Callback ==
Cp <- ConnPay : Callback with Final Status
ConnPay <-- Cp: HTTP 200
deactivate ConnPay
== Order Status request ==
Cp -> ConnPay: Get status by Order ID\napi/v2/status
activate ConnPay
ConnPay --> Cp : Response\nstatus,order-stage
deactivate ConnPay
group Optional
Cp --> R: Show result
deactivate Cp

(1) Payout-form can be initiated by Connecting Party based on internal business model or Receiver’s request.
(2) To implement payout-form see /api/v4/payout-form.
(9) To implement final redirect see Final Redirect.
(11) To implement callback with final status handling see Connecting Party Callback.
(13) To implement order status request see /api/v2/status/. Status should be requested multiple times with 3-5 seconds interval until final status will be received in response.
(15) Final Status can be sent by Connecting Party based on internal business model or by Receiver’s request.