3.18. /services/v2/rpt-engine
Custom transactions report provide an opportunity to get customized information about transactions with their statuses for verification and further analysis.
Custom transactions report is initiated through HTTPS POST request by using URLs and the parameters specified below. Use HMAC-SHA1 for authentication. Report parameters are being sent via JSON.
Integration |
Production |
https://sandbox.connpay.com/paynet-ui/services/v2/rpt-engine |
https://gate.connpay.com/paynet-ui/services/v2/rpt-engine |
Request Parameters
Each custom report has a different JSON body parameters. JSON templates and supported formats for required custom reports could be provided by support managers upon request.
Request body example:
"reportIdentifier": "exampleReport",
"reportEncode": "UTF-8",
"reportName": "example",
"reportCsvDelimiter": ",",
"reportFormat": "CSV",
"configurationReportParameters": [],
"inputReportParameters": [
"type": "INPUT_TEXT",
"name": "example",
"value": "example"
"outputReportParameters": [],
"filters": {
"gates": [],
"companies": [],
"projects": [],
"endpoints": [],
"merchants": [],
"processors": [],
"managers": [],
"resellers": [],
"currencies": []
Response Parameters
Each custom report has a different response body parameters. Usually it’s provided in CSV or PDF format.
The returned report has wellformed CSV format. In accordance with RFC 4180, fields containing line breaks (CRLF, CR, LF), double quotes, and commas are enclosed in double-quotes.
Request Example
POST /paynet-ui/services/v2/rpt-engine HTTP/1.1
Host: gate.doc2.com
User-Agent: curl/7.88.1
Accept: */*
Authorization: OAuth realm="",oauth_version="1.0",oauth_consumer_key="login",oauth_timestamp="1690553049",oauth_nonce="2lrRWDbfOoq",oauth_signature_method="HMAC-SHA1",oauth_signature="ZAi2xFUlh35DAzDYKnSbyUUGGIA%3D"
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 417
Connection: close
Success Response Example
"TestMerchant3","6891747","902B4FF5","2023-07-27 16:37:21","90.000","USD","Sale","Order #293927","28.07.2023"
Fail Response Example
HTTP/1.1 200
Server: server
Date: Mon, 31 Jul 2023 09:49:07 GMT
Content-Type: text/plain
Content-Length: 46
Connection: close
Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=31536000
You are not authorised to perform such request
Postman Collection
Request Builder
signature base string |
signature |
authorization header |